So much happened in season 1 episode 6 of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan! Let's begin.
We see two men are digging the ground in Liberia where Ebola patient's dead bodies are burried in a flashback scene that happened 6 months ago. After securely getting hold of the body, they take off their costumes and we are shocked to see Suleiman and Ali.
Cut to present time where Hanin and her daughters Sara and Rama are traveling in a truck in which people are gathered like cattle. We feel bad for them. Then we see Jack and James arrive in an airport in Adana who are greeted by Lance. Remember him who Hanin had met earlier? They get in a car to go and meet a local guy who can help them find Hanin. Coincidentally, Victor is also there at the airport who hires a cab to go to Syria. He is here to make amends with the family of the guy that was innocent but Victor had killed because he was misidentified.
At Washington Memorial Hospital, Cathy is very busy after finding signs of Ebola in a recent death case. Her friend advices her to go behind her boss's back (who had ignored Cathy's concerns) and consult with another senior doctor working in Liberia.
We see Yazid; Suleiman's guy; arrive where the truck in which Hanin, Sara and Rama were traveling has stopped. He pays a local guy to find out about Hanin and her daughters but Hanin catches him and silently attacks him. He falls in a shi* pile and Hanin, Sara and Rama runs away. I wonder how did Yazid came back after he was presumably dead with Victor's drone shot. Anyways.
After learning about the incident that we saw in the flashback scene at the beginning of the episode, Dr. Cathy Mueller gets super nervous and writes an email raising a red flag related to Ebola.
Lance introduces Jack and James to the local guy inside a brothel and Jack is very uncomfortable working with the shady guy. He affirms there must be another way to find Hanin but James Greer shuts him down. James speaks with experience because he knows this needs to be done and tells Jack to watch and learn. While they are on the road, they learn about the incident that happened with Hanin and her daughters. When they come to know that Suleiman's guy tried to get hold of Hanin and her daughters, they rush to the beach from where the human smuggling takes place. Hanin, Sara and Rama are on foot when the daughters requests Hanin to take a halt for taking rest. However, Hanin is in no mood to listen to her daughters's wussing and shouts at them to suck it up.
Jack and James's car is halted because of a new wall. The local guy deals with the situation by killing the security guards and Jack loses his sh*t and starts beating him up. Greer intervenes and finally they are back on the road.
In Syria, Victor makes peace by giving away a lot of money to the family members of the innocent guy he had killed. No one understands each other. Yet the whole sequence is played out brilliantly. If anyone is going to sleep like a baby tonight, it's Victor!
Hanin and the girls finally arrive at the beach but guess what? Yazid is already waiting for them. He calls Suleiman who asks him to bring the girls back home but kill Hanin. Woah! Just in time when Hanin and her daughters are yelling for help, Jack and James points guns at Yazid. Yazid has Hanin at his gunpoint and the local guys point their guns at Jack and James. The guy with Jack and James talks to Yazid's men and James asks Jack to put down the weapon. Knowing that Yazid is returning Hanin and not the girls, Jack is reluctant but finally gives up. But as soon as Hanin is safely returned, James kills Yazid with a sharp and quick headshot. That's the experience that Jack still lacks! And the local guys point their guns with a lot of confusion on their faces. Finally the situation gets diffused and Jack and James takes Hanin and her daughters with them. Jack takes Hanin under confidence and learns about Suleiman's location but James is not thrilled to hear that. When Jack sits down next to a brooding James, James opens up about what happened in Karachi. He was trying to secure a high level asset from Pakistani Army but the guy turned on him and James had to stab him and flee. The reason James told Jack about this was so that he could learn from his experience but Jack being Jack is still stubborn about only making the righteous choices. James has a look on his face that tells us that Jack may be hesitant to adopt to the ways in which the real world operates but will eventually have to accept it the hard way!
There are so many things that stays with us when we think about this episode. But the most important thing is the realization that we are just 2 more episodes away from the end and the Jack v/s Suleiman face-off is just around the corner! Are you all with me yet?
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