Thursday, October 31, 2019

Game Of Thrones: S2E9

The prenultimate episode of season 2 begins with Stannis's fleet slowly approaching King's Landing. Cersei prepares for the worst by obtaining Essence Of Nightshade from Grand Maester Pycell. Varys brings a map of the tunnels beneath the Red Keep to Tyrion. Joffrey asks Sansa to kiss his sword Hearteater as a symbol of the luck while he is going to fight. While Cersei keeps ordering more wine and spilling nuggets of wisdom to Sansa; Stannis's fleet is almost at the shores. Joffrey is furious to see only one ship sent by Tyrion who plans to please his nephew by displaying his trick with wildfire.


Although Stannis undergoes a major loss, his dreams haven't died. He continues to sail his forces towards the mud gate even if this means that thousands of his soldiers will die because of the defense of King's Landing. When Cersei hears this, she orders to bring Joffrey back from the battlefield. Tyrion then decides to raise the morale of Joffrey's men by boasting their confidence. Sansa gets an offer to flee King's Landing with The Hound but she rejects this offer. Cersei is sitting on the Iron Throne with her youngest son Tommen and the vile of Essense of Nightshade in her hand. On the battlefield when Stannis has almost won the war, Tywin Lannister brings Lannister and Tyrell forces and sweeps away the victory from Stannis.

What an exciting episode it was! Did you enjoy it? Do comment below.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Game Of Thrones: S2E8

Sometimes you need just a small revision of where every character is placed and what will be they facing next. This was one of such episodes. Also, I think this was one of the slowest and uneventful episodes of Game Of Thrones season 2. Maybe they were warming up for the prenultimate episode to come.

If you also need a revision then you can read my reviews of all episodes of Game Of Thrones here:

TV Series Explained: Game Of Thrones

So Cersei accuses Tyrion of plotting to get Joffrey killed. As a safety measure for her son's life, she catches Ros instead of Shae thinking that Ros is Tyrion's w*ore and Tyrion is in love with her. Varys informs Tyrion about Danny and her dragons but he seems to be more focussed about the impending war at hand. Arya takes Jaqen's help and escapes Harrenhal with Gendry and Hot Pie. Robb hears that Jaime escaped the previous night. Upon returning to his camp, we learn that it was Cat who freed him in return of her daughters' safe return to her. Furious by his mother's deed, Robb imprisons her. That night he and Talisa finally decide to let their hair down and let their legs up; if you know what I mean!

Beyond The Wall, Jon is a prisoner along with Qhorin Halfhand who tells him to enter Mance's army to learn their secrets. Elsewhere Sam finds draggonglass weapons hidden inside an old Night's Watch cloak. We see Danny and Ser Jorah only for a couple of minutes where Danny orders Jorah to take her to The House of The Undying. Theon's sister Yara comes to Winterfell, not to help Theon keep the castle but to take Theon back with her who refuses to go with her. Maester Luwin follows Osha to the cripts of Winterfell where Bran and Rickon are hiding. He figures out that Theon murdered some farmer's boys and burned them to pass them off as Bran and Rickon and Bran overhears this conversation with a sorrowful expression on his face.

Game Of Thrones: S2E7

There were some intriguing questions asked. Some of them were answered and some of them were not. And some of them made us think. If both the members of the old houses such as the Starks and the wildlings shared the same origins then why was The Wall built? If Cersei and Jaime were noy fully convinced that The Targaryns interwedding themselves was alright then why did they do it themselves? Even after knowing the King Joffrey is a monster but Sansa is to be married to her, shouldn't she love her?

Welcome to Game Of Thrones. The seventh episode shows us Sansa finally getting fit to bear Joffrey's children. Tywin is on the hunt of his killer while Theon is on the hunt of Bran and Rickon. Robb continues her romance with Lady Talisa. Jon loses catch hold of Ygritte only to find himself surrounded by the wildlings. Jaime kills Ser Alton Lannister and a Karstark prison guard and escapes. He gets caught again and Lord Karstark demands killing him but Lady Catlyn urges him to wait till Robb comes back. Khaleesi is still searching for her dragons. She orders Ser Jorah to find her dragons to gain back her trust. Cersei shares some womanly advice with Sansa and tells her never to love anyone except her children. The new King of Quarth Xaro Xoan Daxos makes a deal with the warlock king who murders other members of The Thirteen. He also reveals to Danny that she should visit The House Of The Undying where he has kept her dragons. . Theon hangs burned bodies of Stark children to teach everyone else at Winterfell a lesson and to prove a point that he is the new lord of Winterfell and everyone should obey him.

Will Theon's lordmanship come to an end when Lord Bolton's basterd take back Winterfell or will Theon be able to get his sister's help to defend the attack on Winterfell? Will Lord Karstark be able to convince Robb to let him kill the Kingslayer as revenge? Will Sansa finally be married to Joffrey? And will Jon become Ygritte's prisoner now? Watch this space to find out...

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Game Of Thrones: S2E6

The sixth episode of Season 2 of Game Of Thrones starts with a major turn of events when freshly minted ‘Prince’ Theon captures the castle of Winterfell. He also shocks everyone when he executes Ser Rodrik who denies accepting Theon as the new Lord of Winterfell.

Strange people doing unexpected things, isn't it? In case you also strangely stumbled upon this post out of nowhere and want to check out all my reviews about Game of Thrones then you can click here:

TV Series Reviewed: Game Of Thrones

Alright. Back to the current episode.
At King’s Landing, everyone is gathered at the riverside to see off Princess Myrcella who is being shipped off to Dorne for her safety. But Cersei is still thinking that this is some vicious plot by Tyrion against her and she threatens Tyrion that she will also take away some loved one from him one day as revenge. On their way back to The Red Keep, the people of King’s Landing who are unhappy because of the effects of the ongoing war, attacks the King and his entire party. The King orders everyone to be assassinated as an act of punishment but somehow everyone escapes. Everyone except, poor Sansa. Sansa is almost going to get raped and possibly killed when The Hound saves her and brings her back to the castle. Beyond The Wall, Jon and his brothers of The Night’s watch encounters some wildings who are killed off except a pretty wilding Yiggrite. Jon is unable to kill her and thus takes her as a prisoner and they begin to walk together in search of his other brothers. Lord Tywin is enraged when one of his council members sends a letter to the wrong house and is impressed to know that Arya who is posing as his cupbearer can read. Lord Bealish visits Tywin and he also notices Arya but Arya manages to keep her identity safe. She smuggles one of the notes with her that contains Lannister’s battle plan but is caught red handed by one of the Lannister knights. To save herself, Arya gets him killed before he could see Tywin. A wounded Sansa is being treated by Shae who gives her a good advice to never trust anyone to stay safe. At Winterfell, Osha lures Theon into bed thereby gaining his trust only to take Bran and Rickon to safety. Beyond the narrow sea, The Mother of Dragons is sad after meeting multiple Kings in Quarth because no one is ready to give her ships to cross the narrow sea so that she could take back all seven kingdoms. Upon returning home, she witnesses a mass murder of her people and also her dragons are missing. Finally we see dragons crying for help which are being taken away by a hooded man to The House of The Undying.

Are you keeping the count of how many new characters have been introduced recently? Have you stopped counting number of deaths per episode? Well I have. But the series somehow manages to keep the interest alive even with all the innovative ways to kill people, the politics, different houses and their allies and of course with so much nudity!

By the way, just in case you missed reading my reviews of Amazon Prime's Jack Ryan, click the link below:

TV Series Reviewed: Jack Ryan

Thank you!

Jack Ryan: S2E4

Remember the wonderful research Jack had done in season 1 to connect the dots between the monitory transactions and Suleiman's plan? Epi...

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