Friday, August 3, 2018

Game Of Thrones: S1E8

'The Pointy End' is the eighth episode of Game Of Thrones which begins with Tyrion getting captured again after escaping The Eyrie. However Tyrion convinces the leader of the barbarian group named Shagga to escort him to his father in exchange of money and army to seize The Vale. Lord Tywin Lannister is not happy to meet these people but agrees to Tyrion's promises on a condition if the barbarian group joins the war against house Stark.

Robb Stark leaves Bran as acting lord of Winterfell and leaves with Stark bannermen to war against The Lannisters. Cat joins the Stark camp in The Riverlands. A Lannister scout is captured but Robb decides to let him go and fools him by making him think that all 20000 men of the Stark camp are going to attack Tywin's forces. Good move Robb.

Jon, Sam and other brothers of the Night's Watch catch two frozen corpses. Later that night, Jon's direwold Ghost behaves abruptly thus making Jon check Lord Mormont's room. One of the dead corpse has returned to life as a wight which attacks Jon. A wight is an undead corpse brought back to life by magic or special power(similar to zombie) After a fight Jon finally destroys it by setting it on fire. The next morning the two bodies are set on fire by The Night's Watch when Sam tells everyone that he read about White Walkers who has the ability to bring dead corpses back to life as wights.

An incident occurs after Khal Drogo's khalasar has sacked a village which provokes Danny to take a stand for the women of the village. One of the raider Mago doesn't like how Drogo shows his support for Danny and challenges Drogo for a fight. Mago is killed by Drogo but he gets deeply injured. Danny allows a healer to heal Drogo's wounds which further upsets the Dothraki who refers to the woman as a witch.

In King's Landing, Lannister forces captures Sansa while Arya manages to escape with Syrio Forel's help. Arya makes her first kill in the process. Savage! Cersei convinces Sansa to write a letter to Robb and ask him to kneel before Joffrey if she wants to ensure the security of her family. Joffrey holds a court and makes many changes. Ser Barristan Selmi is relieved of his duties which enrages him and he leaves the court. Sansa takes this opportunity to plead Joffrey to show mercy to her father. Smart move by Sansa. Joffrey agrees and announces Ned will be released if he publically confesses to treason and accept Jofrrey as the rightful king.

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This is a link to another article that I wrote about season 1 episode 1 of Awkward:
Awkward: S1E1

Thanks for reading!

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